
Friday, September 6, 2013

"This is for your good!"

This morning, I was wiping Molly's face after breakfast.  Her allergies are all flared up, so she had some snot mixed in with the caked-on oatmeal.  She HATES it when I have to wipe her face.  I held her head, and quickly ran the towel over face.  I spend a bit of time at her nose, for obvious reasons!  The whole time this girl is squirming in her seat, screaming, and pushing my hand away - this child is strong!  I pushed her hands back, and firmly said...

"Stop it, Molly, this is for your good!"

Bam!  Just as the words flung out of my mouth, I recognized them.  All of a sudden, I am stopped in my tracks, right in the middle of wiping her face.  I am stunned.  Something has hit me like a ton of bricks.

"For we know that all things work together for good for those that love God, and are called according to His purpose."  Romans 8:28

God does things FOR OUR GOOD!  I think about the tough times in my life.  The times I have hated.  The times when something I don't like is happening to me.  All the while He is doing something for MY GOOD!

How many times have I screamed and pushed His hand away because I didn't like what He was doing?  And He says to me, "Stop, Katie.  This is for your good."

We discipline and correct our children because we love them.  It is for their good.

The Lord disciplines and corrects His children because He loves us.  It is for our good.

For whom the Lord loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:12

Thank you for this reminder, Molly!  You are constantly teaching me!