
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Our Miracle Story

     I have been saying for a while that I would start a blog and tell our story about getting pregnant.  It is a story that truly shows the Lord's grace, faithfulness, and perfect timing.  

     We knew from the beginning that it would be difficult to conceive.  We began praying about starting a family at the end of 2010.  At the beginning of 2011, I began taking fertility drugs while being closely monitored by my doctor.  Five long months into treatments, my body was showing no signs of being able to conceive.  It wasn't that I just wasn't pregnant, but my body was not even capable of conceiving.  

     In August 2011, we were sent to a fertility specialist, Dr. Moore.  I use his name because he was the most AMAZING doctor!  We went through more fertility treatments in August and September.  This consisted of pills, shots, and IUIs.  Still... nothing.  In November, Dr. Moore decided to try a different drug.  We were so hopeful.  If this failed to work, we would be looking to adopt in the summer.  November 21, 2011, we went to the doctor's office.  After an ultrasound and some testing, it turned out the medicine did not work.  He told me that day we would not be able to conceive.  My body was just not doing what it needed to.  I was so upset.  We both cried on the way home.  I remember stopping by the store to buy some make-up hoping that would make me feel better!

     I kept thinking about Abraham and Sarah and how Sarah had such faith in waiting for a child.  I prayed for the same kind of faith and the courage to continue to wait in the Lord.

     On December 21 (exactly a month after being told I would not be able to conceive), the Lord revealed His miracle in His perfect timing.  I remember it very clearly.  Josh and I were both on Christmas Break.  We woke up and chatted before getting out of bed.  I remember thinking that I needed to call in my monthly prescription to get my cycle.  Every time I call the doctor, he asks me if I have taken a pregnancy test as he will not give me the medicine if I am pregnant.  

     So, I get out of bed to go take a pregnancy test so I can tell Dr. Moore that it was negative.  Of course, I knew without a doubt it would be negative.  It was just something I had to do to get my prescription.  I didn't even tell Josh I was taking a test.  It had become such a devastating and depressing thing.  

     I took the test without even looking at it because I knew it would be negative.  As I went to pick it up to throw it away, I saw TWO HUGE PINK LINES!  I could not believe it.  I figured it had to be wrong.  I yelled for Josh and ran back to the bed.  He was already sitting up and scared to death! ha ha!  I did not know how to tell him because I still didn't believe it.  I've dreamed of the way I would tell Josh that we are pregnant and it certainly was not like this!  As soon as I get to the bed, I literally throw the stick at him (yes, my urine was on it... kind of gross... poor Josh).  He looks at it and jumps out of the bed. 

     Then he says the most beautiful words - "Let's pray right now!"  It was a beautiful prayer.  We are both crying and so full of hope.  I made him run out to the store to get a digital one.  The whole time I am praying to the Lord asking in His name for this blessing.  That, too, said I was pregnant!  

     I called Dr. Moore's office and they told me to come in right away for a blood test.  I remember we threw some clothes on - no shower or anything - and headed out the door.  It was pouring down rain but it was such a beautiful day to us.  The nurse called later that afternoon to confirm our pregnancy.  They scheduled an ultrasound for us a few days later to find out we were six weeks along.

     I truly believe this story shows the Lord's grace and power.  We continued to rely on His word and prayed for His will in our life.  We were willing to accept whatever path He had for us.  I think it is a great testament that even when science said NO, God said,  "YES, watch ME!"


  1. What an amazing story!!! Don't you love it when God just shows up!!! Awesome!!

  2. Wow Katie! So beautiful...so so beautiful! Bless the Lord whose ways are higher than our ways. Your precious family is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing such an encouraging story!

  3. What beautiful story on how God blessed you 2 in his time. I teared up reading it. Molly is blessed to have 2 wonderful people as her parents.

  4. You are such an awesome person! I love the stories! Congratulations on Molly!

  5. This is the first time I have seen your blog. This story had me in tears while I was reading it. Such a sweet sweet blessing and story of God's Grace and oh so perfect timing! YAY for a perfect baby girl!
