
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Raising Molly

    When we first found out we were pregnant, I was overcome with the responsibility to raise our child to love the Lord, to serve Him, and to serve others.  I immediately began wondering how I was supposed to do this when I am so imperfect and struggle with sins daily.  I began to doubt if I could take on such a task.  How could I ensure my daughter would accept Him as her Savior?  How do I show her how to live a life pleasing to Him when I, so obviously, struggle with things in my life?

    Molly is a gift from God.  It is so evident that He brought her to us at just the perfect time in His will.  Our responsibility is to teach her Biblical truths and demonstrate a love for God's word and for lost souls.  If we continue to show her Christ's love, He will reveal Himself to her. Our prayer is that Molly will receive Him and revel in His grace and mercy.  That all the things she accomplishes will be to His glory.  That she will dedicate her life to pleasing Him rather than man.  That she will commit to a life of service.  That she will always put Him and others above herself.  That He will fill her heart with so much love and compassion.  That she will have a heart for winning lost souls and encouraging fellow believers.  

    Then it hit me.  The prayers I am praying for Molly should also be prayers for myself.  If I want these things for Molly, I should want and exhibit them in my own life.  Woaw, the level of conviction on my heart right now!  My prayer life is certainly changing...  That I will revel in His grace and mercy.  That all the things I accomplish will be to His glory.  That I will dedicate my life to pleasing Him rather than man.  That I will commit to a life of service.  That I will always put Him and others above myself. That He will fill my heart with so much love and compassion.  That I will have a heart for winning lost souls and encouraging fellow believers.

    Sunday, October 14th was Baby Dedication at church.  We dedicated Molly unto the Lord and made a commitment to raise her in Biblical truths.  It was a very special day as we made the verbal commitment to the Lord.  I also made a commitment to the Lord for myself.  That I will be a Godly mother and wife to my family.  They are my mission field and I vow to love, serve, and encourage them.  That I'm never too prideful to admit my sins and plea for repentance, because through that, Molly will learn about Christ's forgiveness and will learn to forgive others.  It is a heavy responsibility, but one that will reap rewards and leave a legacy that was started by my ancestors.

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