
Friday, August 30, 2013

Befriend Faithfulness: Baby2K

After being told in November 2011 there is a possibility I may never conceive, here we are with a beautiful one year old girl and another baby on the way!  

It is fun telling people we got pregnant when our daughter was only 9 months old and that they will be 18 months apart.  The looks they give!  The way they tell us we are crazy without actually saying "crazy".  You know what I mean, the phrase, "Oh wow.  I could never do that."  might as well be, "You have lost your mind and are completely crazy."  It's the same reactions we got when people found out we weren't finding out the gender of our baby.  And guess what!  Molly turned out just fine without a pink nursery and having to wear yellows and greens the first day of her life! ;-). Also, by the way, we are not finding out the gender of Baby2K!  And guess what!  He or she will be just fine, as well!  ;-)

So, let me start by saying this, because I know many people are wondering:

Yes, we meant to get pregnant!  Yes, we were trying!  Yes, it was still a surprise! :)

We want a big family.  We want our children close together.  While I know the first few months will be exhausting, I know the bond between these two babies will be so strong!  :). 

We decided before Molly even arrived that we would start trying again when she turns 9 months old.  Being 18 months apart doesn't bother us.  But, we thought it would take a while to get pregnant, since Molly took us so long.  Here is what happened:

I made an appointment to see the doctor in May.  We discussed the plan for getting pregnant.  We decided on doing Femara + lots of ultrasounds + trigger shot + IUI.  Quite a plan.  It was genius.  We were excited!  He cautioned us about the chance it might not happen.  Which he didn't need to tell me.  The Lord has already laughed at our plans before. 

A few weeks later, it was time for me to take the Femara and scheduled our first ultrasound.  Sparing details, my body works soooo slow.  So we would have to schedule a few ultrasounds within a week or two.  They are a hundred dollars each. Wowzers!  During this time, we had gone to the beach, got new tires for my car, and had a few medical bills we need to take care of (like when Josh cut his finger on a dresser knob and needed it glued back together).  Josh, in all his gentleness, sat me down and explained if we continued with the fertility treatments this month, we would be a little strapped.  We need to pay our debtors (the medical people) first and foremost.  I knew he was right, but come on!!! I REALLY want to get pregnant THIS month!!!

I cried.  Josh held me.  I cried some more (begged a little, too)!  Why does my husband have to always be right (he'll be shocked I said that)!  So, I called the fertility doctor and cancelled our appointment, crying of course.  The lady had to ask me several times to repeat myself.  Didn't she know that every time I had to say it again I would just cry more??  A few minutes later my favorite nurse called me.  Here is what she said:

"Katie, remember Molly?  Remember what The Lord did for you?  Remember that NO amount of medicine or medical help will get you pregnant if it is not The Lord's will.  He is the one in control.  You can still get pregnant this month (I might have laughed a little at this.).  He gave you Molly in a way that gave HIM all the glory, not medicine, not doctors, not science.  He received all the glory.  And guess what.  He can do it again!  Don't give up on this month.  Give it over to The Lord, again!"

I wanted to reach through the phone and hug her (she does give the best hugs!)!!  I know many of you are wondering what is the big deal if you have to wait a month.  Anyone who has struggled with infertility knows what skipping a month is like.  A total waste!  The longest month ever!  If we had to skip June, July would have never come.  Seriously.  Infertile women take skipped months very seriously. ;-)

On June 28, our five year wedding anniversary, and way too early to be testing.  I tested.  I woke up before Josh, shocking I know!  Took a test.  Nada.  Got back in bed.  It was too early anyway.  I will test tomorrow, I thought.  Josh mumbled something about it being negative and rolled back over.   When he got up, I went and looked again.  This is what I saw:

Yeah, you probably don't see it.  But I did!  I shoved it in Josh's face.  He said he saw it, but was surprisingly chill (later to find out he didn't actually see anything).

I stared at that test for two hours.  Seriously.  TWO HOURS!  

I took another one a few hours later.  

Do you see it now?  Well, I did!  I emailed it to Josh.  He replied, "We will keep praying!"  Again, he didn't really see anything.   Hmf.

I called my fertility doctor.  "I promise I really do see faint lines on two tests.  It's my anniversary!!! I wanna... I NEED... To know!!!"  The nurses were so giggly with excitement they said I better hurry over (with Molly!).  They took my blood and played with Molly for a while.  They told me they were going to put a rush on it.

As soon as I get home, they call back.  CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU'RE PREGNANT!  They both said they are hoping for a boy this time! Haha!

I KNEW I saw a line!!! :)

So far, we have had two ultrasounds (both times saw the heartbeat) and are scheduled for another next week.

Our official due date is March 11, 2014.  They will schedule a c-section the week before.  

I don't think I need to say this, but WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!!!  

Our journey with Molly taught us how to wait in Him.  This journey, though much shorter, taught us about His provision and how He provides our needs and even our desires.  But both journeys have been about faith to us.  Our faith is constantly increasing with each blessing He gives us.  Without faith, I doubt we would be so blessed.  If we did not have the faith The Lord would bless us with a baby, we would be childless right now.  We give God all the glory!  It is only through Him, we were able to conceive and it will only be through Him that we will conceive again!  Thank you, Heavenly Father!

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