
Friday, August 16, 2013

Molly is ONE!!!

Yes, I know I have not posted in a L O N G time.  Thankfully, I have found an app that makes posting so much easier.  So maybe I will do it more, now... We will see!

I wanted to write a little bit about Molly turning one!  This was surely the fastest year of my life.  I mean, really!  I blinked and that was it!  I was overwhelmed with tears this morning as I looked down at my baby girl throwing books and diapers (clean ones!) around the house.  She grinned up at me with all 
TEN (almost ELEVEN) teeth shining up at me.  Her smile is the most beautiful one I have ever seen.  Her nose crinkles and her eyes kind of squinch up.  She giggled up at me as I smiled back.  How do you not giggle back at that sweet eruption of laughter??  There are so many things that make my girl laugh, here are a few of them:

1.). Daddy coming home!
2.). Maddux running in circles around her or just being near her.
3.). Any kind of music
4.). When I sing "Mollypop, Mollypop, oh Molly Molly Molly Mollypop...."
5.). When she sees her grandparents and Papa!
6.). Being tickled!  She is very ticklish.
7.). Peek-a-boo
8.). Seeing/hearing a few of her toys
9.). A set of keys
10.). Hearing the name, "Jesus"
11.). Cherry flavored Tylenol
12.). Balloons
13.). The remote control
14.). Getting in her car seat (it doesn't last long before her giggles turn to tears of frustration)
15.). A trip in the shopping cart
16.). My cell phone
17.). Watching the rain
18.). Seeing Mommy or Daddy come get her from her crib
19.). Pulling the pillows and couch cushions off the couch
20.). Climbing under the table
21.). Pushing her toys and chairs around the room
22.). Grabbing her pacie out of her mouth
23.). Feeding the dog *shudder*
24.). Being chased
25.). Grabbing noses and ears
26.). Her reflection in the mirror
27.). Anytime you say, "I'm gonna get you!!"
28.). Banging on the blinds

There are many other things that make her laugh that I am sure I will think of later.  She is teaching me to find joy in the smallest things - like watching the rain.  To me, the rain means "no park today" or "oh no, we are trapped inside all day!"  But to Molly, it's a show, a comedy.  I pull the shades up and she stands at the window laughing at it coming down.  She never tires of it.  She will look back at me to make sure I am laughing, too.  Of course, I am.  But I am laughing at her.  Maddux thinks we are both crazy.  

Molly is doing many things.  Although, we got a late start on many milestones, she is doing it all on "Mollytime".  And that is fine by me!  She was sitting up by 4.5 months.  Pulling up around 6 months.  We didn't roll over till about 8 months.  And even then, it was rare!  She started crawling at 9 months.  Now at 12 months, she is standing on her own and taking a few steps on her own.  But Mommy and Daddy better not try to get her to walk because she won't do it.  She has to do it on her own!

Other "Mollyfacts"

1.). She eats everything!  I mean, everything!  But asparagus is her favorite!  (Proud mommy moment)
2.). She loves to clap!  She claps at everything!
3.). She knows "ball", even though she won't say it yet.  She will go get her ball and throw it to you on command.
4.). She can say Mama, Daddy, Doggie, Maggish (for Maddux), Jesus, Thank you (sometimes), bye bye, okay, uh oh, and woof woof.  
5.). She is starting to enjoy being read to, again.  We went through a phase...
6.). She is a good sleeper.   She started sleeping through the night at 5 weeks.
7.). She is completely independent!  She enjoys playing on her own.
8.). She doesn't like to watch TV (thank goodness!)
9.). She LOVES to dance.
10.). She can use a spoon but I have to put the food on it and set it down.  She knows how to pick it up and put it in her mouth.
11.). She goes to time out at least once a day.  Strong willed through and through!
12.). She loves her aunts and uncles, and especially Garrett and Bogart!
13.). She loves all her little friends!
14.). She loves the pool.  Any water for that matter - bath, splash pad...
15.). She loves Mexican food - yea, girl!
16.). When she is sick, no one can tell (except for the snot)!
17.). She startles easily. Ha ha!!
18.). Her favorite activity is tearing the house down.
19.). Almost walking!!  
20.). She is a dare devil for sure!  Climbs on and out of everything!
21.). She is a master at closing doors and does not like when I open them back up.
22.). Chewing on the Xbox remote is the coolest!
23.). She has been drinking whole milk since 11 months.
24.). She loves the zoo!
25.). So far, she has eaten (like chewed AND swallowed) dog food, napkins, crayons, and a rock from the gas logs.
26.). She enjoys crawling in Maddux's crate (which he HATES!).
27.). She loves her sippy cup and hasn't had a bottle since 11 months old!  Big girl!
28.). She still won't cuddle.  But that's okay.  I am too ADD for it anyway.  But we do share many moments together playing and giggling!
29.). She talks with her hands.
30.). She talks all day long!  She thinks I can understand her. :)

Surely, after I post this I will think of a billion other facts.  But for now, this is it!

Happy birthday, my sweet sweet Mollypop!  I am beyond blessed that I get to be home with you for every one of your adventures - new and old.  I get to witness every giggle and comfort every tear.  Though you know how to wear your Mama out, I treasure every moment with you!  You have brought overwhelming joy to your Daddy and me.  I can't wait to see what this next year holds - but let's not rush it, okay? :)

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